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PRIVACY NOTICE (Why we collect your personal data and what we do with it) When you supply your personal details to Oakingtons clinic they are stored and processed for 4 reasons (the bits in bold are…
Updated 4 years ago by Lynn Peters
How we use personal information that you provide to us via this website.. We will not usually collect any personal information about you. The exceptions to this are: Oakingtons Clinic Ltd will requir…
Initial Osteopathy Consultation (60 minutes) - £60.00 Osteopathy Appointment (30 minutes) - £45.00 Osteopathic Sports Massage (60 minutes) - £75.00 Osteopathic Sports Massage (30 minutes) - £45.00 Th…
Updated 5 years ago by Lynn Peters
We offer our patients an honest, professional opinion and never give unnecessary treatment. We work to restore your body to a state of balance. We treat you with dignity and respect. Your private inf…
Updated 8 years ago by Lynn Peters
Your first appointment will be 45 minutes long but may run to 1 hour so please leave time for up to an hour as generally we like to ensure some treatment is given if appropriate. There will be a deta…
Before your first appointment. Check that the osteopath is registered with the General Osteopathic Council (GOsC) by checking the Register on this website which lists osteopaths by name, registration…