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When we slouch forwards we are effectively shrinking our chest cavity. In doing this we are reducing our lungs capacity and reducing oxygen intake. We need oxygen for our brain to concentrate and bei…
Updated 5 years ago by Lynn Peters
The health and safety executive estimate that in 2013/14 there were 526,000 cases of work related musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) – about 42% of all work related illnesses MSDs are the second bigges…
Updated 6 years ago by Lynn Peters
Fascia is very dense and resembles a spiders wed and it is so special because it penetrates and surrounds all of our muscles, bones, nervous system, blood vessels and internal organs. The thing I fin…
Updated 8 years ago by Lynn Peters
A well balanced diet is all the average person needs and food is always preferable to supplements but sometimes sporty or very active people do just need an extra little help Probiotics during heavy…
Many people are magnesium deficient and have symptoms such as anxiety, irritability, sleep disorders, insomnia, muscle weakness and spasms, headache, increased stress and poor nail growth. Also, chan…