Many people are magnesium deficient and have symptoms such as anxiety, irritability, sleep disorders, insomnia, muscle weakness and spasms, headache, increased stress and poor nail growth. Also, chances are that you regularly intake coffee, alcohol and other substances that flush magnesium out of your body
Chronic magnesium deficiency is implicated in a number of conditions like osteoporosis, hypertension, diabetes, asthma, cardiovascular disease, lowered immune function, depression, migraine, Restless Leg Syndrome and ADHD.
Magnesium deficiency affects the body on many levels, and it is often misdiagnosed and treated with harmful medications. Magnesium supplementation can relax your nerves and muscles, regulate blood sugar levels and promote normal blood pressure.
The thing is about magnesium is that it serves as a calcium regulator. Magnesium is important in calcium metabolism because it is required for secretion of Parathyroid Hormone (PTH). PTH increases the production of the active form of vitamin D, and plays a role in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus. It teams up with vitamin B6 to regulate the absorption of calcium into the bone.
Magnesium deficiency alters calcium metabolism and the hormones that regulate calcium, so if you have low blood levels of calcium, you may actually be deficient in magnesium
Foods that have a high level of magnesium are dark leafy greens, beans, fish, nuts, advocados and bananas.
The reason we stock MAG365 is that unlike other magnesium supplements, it contains citric acid. Added to water, the two powders react to create liquid ionic magnesium citrate. The slightly acidic nature of MAG365 enhances absorption and becomes an alkalising beverage after it is absorbed. Since MAG365 becomes a liquid ionic magnesium citrate, it is easier to digest and to be absorbed in the body.
In addition, pure powdered products are non-habit forming, and you will not develop a dependency when you use it.
Magnesium supplementation presents a range of benefits, as the mineral is involved in a multitude of chemical reactions in the body, from increasing energy to relaxing the muscles, improving mood and regulating blood pressure.
If you feel you may be deficient in Magnesium why not discuss this with your practitioner on your next visit? At Oakingtons, we will be happy to help!